Friday, March 4, 2011

OOSE assignments

Assignment no. 1     last date :  25th march 2011

1)Explain design patterns w.r.t. the concept, need, classification & types and description method.

2)Explain RUP & agile processes with an example.

3)Explain the different types of COCOMO models of estimation with example.

4)what are the different object oriented metrics?

5)Enlist and describe various types of coupling and cohesion.

6)Describe mapping OO models to OO databases.

7)Describe in detail how is mapping models to code done considering all types of associations and relations.

Assignment no. 2     last date :  7th April 2011 

1)explain how project scheduling and tracking is done

2)Explain s/w testing in detail..

3)explain risk management in detail.

4)explain different architectural styles in brief.

5)Explain SQA. What are McCalls quality factors?

6)Explain the SCM process in brief.

7) Write short notes on:
2)  Reverse engg v/s re-engg.
3)maintainance log and defect reports
4) types of maintainance

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