Saturday, October 22, 2011

CSI organised WebSeminars

Go Through This e-mail: 

Dear Student Branch Coordinator,

Greeting from CSI-Education Directorate ! is organizing a free webinar series on “Mobile Application development” by industry professionals who are working in this field. The webinar covers ten sessions (each session lasting for 75 Minutes), on different topics on various dates. You also have a choice to post question/query on its portal.
Attached please find the date-wise session schedule. For attending webinars visit-
Please forward to all your colleagues and publicize among students for them to join and benefit.


Wg Cdr M Murugesan
Computer Society of India
National Headquarters
C I T Campus, 4th Cross Road, Taramani
Chennai 600113
Ph: +91-44-2254 1102/1103/2874; Fax: +91-44-2254 1143

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Date : 17/10/2011.

1.      Explain and WAP to implement Merge Sort.
2.      Write short note on indexed sequential search and implement core part of the same.
3.      WAP to implement selection sort w.r.t. minimum element in each pass.
4.      Explain Huffman Coding Algorithm and apply the same on the string   “MALAYALAM”.
5.      Implement inorder, preorder and postorder traversals of Binary Search Tree with example.
6.      Implement a method to delete node from Binary Search Tree w.r.t. all possible cases with example.
7.      Explain traversals of Graph with example.
8.      WAP to implement Heap Sort.
9.      What is Hashing? Explain various hashing methods and  collision avoiding Techniques.
10.  Explain Divide and conquer  method. Implement Binary search algorithm.
11.  Explain and WAP to implement Quick Sort.
12.  Construct a binary search tree which is visited traversals as follows –
                          Inorder      -  B D H J L N O Q R S W
                          Postorder -  B H D L N J R Q W S O
13.  Write short notes on –    a) AVL tree,         b) B -  tree
14.  Explain various methods for  representation  of graph with example.
15.  WAP to create tree and search element from Binary Search Tree.
16.  Construct a binary search tree which is visited traversals as follows –
                          Inorder      -  C E G H J K M O P Q U
                          Preorder   -  M H E C G K J Q O P U
17.  WAP to implement advanced bubble sort.
          Subject  In-charge
                                                                                                                                   Mr. Patil S. M.          

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Selection of departmental representatives for student counsel

           Please refer to departmental notice board for the notice regarding Selection of departmental representatives for student counsel. Department has to nominate 1 representative for each post. Those who are interested can give their name and post you want to apply for, to your class in-charge tomorrow.
           Since Prasad sir is on IV you can write name, post on one paper and submit the same in HOD cabin.

Elective II Choice for BE Comps 2011-12

Please fill in this form Elective II choice Form before your term test.

Monday, October 10, 2011

schedule for rest of the semester

hi all,

We are approaching almost end of the semester. Following is tentative calendar for the upcoming schedule. The events mentioned will be confirmed once corresponding Notice is being displayed on the departmental notice-board.

1. Lectures/Practical Timetable till 13th October 2011.
2. Remedial Timetable for SE/TE/BE classes 14th, 15th, 17th October.
3. Project pre-final demonstration 14th or 17th October (As per convenience of guide )  
4. Term Test II --- 18th, 19th, 20th October
5. Submission Project Synopsis copies (student count +2) signed by guide at department by 22nd October
6. Term work submission 22nd, 24th, 25th October
7. Diwali holiday 26th to 30th October
8. Oral schedule 31st October till 9th Nov
9. Project stage I final presentation 5th and 6th Nov

Please see notice board tomorrow afternoon for format of first three pages of Stage-I report

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Project Stage I synopsis 2012-2013

          All BE Comps students are hereby informed, that their Mock presentations for project stage-I will be held during 10th October till 12th October 2012, depending on the availability of their guides and your preparation. Contact your respective guides to fix up timings for Mock asap.
          Final Project synopsis must be submitted latest by 19th October 2012. Formatting tips regarding the project reports will be displayed on Blog as well as on college notice board by Wednesday.

        Follow this Link for Synopsis preparation tips. There is no upper limit on size of synopsis but 15 - 25 pages can be considered as a tentative range.  

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hi guys. This is Prasad Deshmukh posting. Although we are done with all planned DSIP pracs for all batches, i would still like the respective batches to attend the pracs even while i am on iv, mark ur presence on paper to Pratik sir and practice the programs/finish prints & writing.
All submitted writeups are now checked and are with Rupali miss from lab4 and pratik sir from lab 7.
The last date of checking for all remaining experiments and assignments is 13th October 2011.

 **  Question bank will not be given for term test 2 DSIP. but topics included in term test 1 syllabus are excluded from term test 2 for DSIP.

 To compensate and cover the syllabus lag, some important topics will be covered in about 5-6 lectures after 13th Oct if the schedule allows.