Saturday, April 21, 2012

TE Computers & IT

Hi all (This is to all TE students IT and/or Computers),

         I have five BE project ideas and I want enthusiastic students who are keen to do some timely efforts. I am listing just the brief descriptions about them. Any Interested groups can meet me to discuss about them further asap.

  1. Working with open source virtualization tool like Xen, KVM etc.
  2. Doing a survey of open source implementations of private cloud computing environments 
  3. Working with Weka tool. Which will involve downloading source code of Weka and adding new classifiers/clustering algorithm implementations that are not available with it.
  4. Creating a tool/editing environment for statistical analysis of a Time Series data, on the lines of weka UI. Which can be broken into two projects actually one team can work on Time series analysis and one on UI.
  5. Recreating the Wall Building Robot Mr. Prasad Borole has implemented In-house (With College funds) and furthering it by adding some intelligence like may be obstacle avoidance, changing the behavioral model (Master Slave used by prasad) to something which will be more productive. 
You need not have any prior knowledge in any of the field for these projects. I only want people who are ready to openly think and work. Also I intend to start some initial work on these ideas during your leave, after your exams are over, so as to get some head start.

I need to know if any groups are keen to work on any of the topics please meet me in-person. 

prof. A. S. Kunte

Friday, April 20, 2012

TE Comp: Elective Choice

Hi all,

We need to finalize Elective subject/s for Semester VII for your class. Following is the set of Electives on offer from University and brief description of them. Each student needs to opt for one out of these set of electives. Department can offer elective if there are at least 20 students opting the subject.

  1. Computer Simulation and management 
  2. E-Commerce
  3. Project Managment
  4. Soft Computing
        Please refer to syllabus and consult faculty members regarding the contents of these subjects. You can also take suggestions from your seniors. 
        You need to confirm your choice by stating same in the sheet kept with prof. Sangle on day of your ACN submission.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

TE Comps Studens: Seminar Report Formats

Please find Seminar Report format at link below

Seminar Report Format Tips

Your report must be spirally bound and contain first two pages as below:

1. Title Page
2. Approval Sheet
3. Rest of the two column paper you have prepared there is no restrictions on number of pages but roughly at-most 20 pages are sufficient to explain your ideas.

Follow the formatting tips discussed with you through the two sample papers that Kunte sir had shared with you in class. If you require any more clarification meet Sangle madam / Kunte sir in person.