Thursday, December 22, 2011

Need People Enthu in Web designing

We intend to create a Google Site Home page for our department I need 2 students each from TE and SE and 1 from BE as a team to design and administer the google site.

Those interested please drop a mail @ This team has to co-ordinate through emails and work from their home so u can contribute while enjoying vacation.

Time line : Need to get this site through before 14th Jan 2012.

Please reply ASAP last date for freezing team would be 29/12/2011.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


BE COMP 2011-12 students have been given only one default elective subject which is HCI.
Students who are not interested in HCI but interested only in AIT should individually visit Mr. Prasad Deshmukh / Miss. Rupali Bhoir in Database lab and register only their own name in person once again on or before their last regular sem 7 paper date.
Atleast 20 students are required for AIT (the only other elective that is possibly on offer now)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

CSI organised WebSeminars

Go Through This e-mail: 

Dear Student Branch Coordinator,

Greeting from CSI-Education Directorate ! is organizing a free webinar series on “Mobile Application development” by industry professionals who are working in this field. The webinar covers ten sessions (each session lasting for 75 Minutes), on different topics on various dates. You also have a choice to post question/query on its portal.
Attached please find the date-wise session schedule. For attending webinars visit-
Please forward to all your colleagues and publicize among students for them to join and benefit.


Wg Cdr M Murugesan
Computer Society of India
National Headquarters
C I T Campus, 4th Cross Road, Taramani
Chennai 600113
Ph: +91-44-2254 1102/1103/2874; Fax: +91-44-2254 1143

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Date : 17/10/2011.

1.      Explain and WAP to implement Merge Sort.
2.      Write short note on indexed sequential search and implement core part of the same.
3.      WAP to implement selection sort w.r.t. minimum element in each pass.
4.      Explain Huffman Coding Algorithm and apply the same on the string   “MALAYALAM”.
5.      Implement inorder, preorder and postorder traversals of Binary Search Tree with example.
6.      Implement a method to delete node from Binary Search Tree w.r.t. all possible cases with example.
7.      Explain traversals of Graph with example.
8.      WAP to implement Heap Sort.
9.      What is Hashing? Explain various hashing methods and  collision avoiding Techniques.
10.  Explain Divide and conquer  method. Implement Binary search algorithm.
11.  Explain and WAP to implement Quick Sort.
12.  Construct a binary search tree which is visited traversals as follows –
                          Inorder      -  B D H J L N O Q R S W
                          Postorder -  B H D L N J R Q W S O
13.  Write short notes on –    a) AVL tree,         b) B -  tree
14.  Explain various methods for  representation  of graph with example.
15.  WAP to create tree and search element from Binary Search Tree.
16.  Construct a binary search tree which is visited traversals as follows –
                          Inorder      -  C E G H J K M O P Q U
                          Preorder   -  M H E C G K J Q O P U
17.  WAP to implement advanced bubble sort.
          Subject  In-charge
                                                                                                                                   Mr. Patil S. M.          

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Selection of departmental representatives for student counsel

           Please refer to departmental notice board for the notice regarding Selection of departmental representatives for student counsel. Department has to nominate 1 representative for each post. Those who are interested can give their name and post you want to apply for, to your class in-charge tomorrow.
           Since Prasad sir is on IV you can write name, post on one paper and submit the same in HOD cabin.

Elective II Choice for BE Comps 2011-12

Please fill in this form Elective II choice Form before your term test.

Monday, October 10, 2011

schedule for rest of the semester

hi all,

We are approaching almost end of the semester. Following is tentative calendar for the upcoming schedule. The events mentioned will be confirmed once corresponding Notice is being displayed on the departmental notice-board.

1. Lectures/Practical Timetable till 13th October 2011.
2. Remedial Timetable for SE/TE/BE classes 14th, 15th, 17th October.
3. Project pre-final demonstration 14th or 17th October (As per convenience of guide )  
4. Term Test II --- 18th, 19th, 20th October
5. Submission Project Synopsis copies (student count +2) signed by guide at department by 22nd October
6. Term work submission 22nd, 24th, 25th October
7. Diwali holiday 26th to 30th October
8. Oral schedule 31st October till 9th Nov
9. Project stage I final presentation 5th and 6th Nov

Please see notice board tomorrow afternoon for format of first three pages of Stage-I report

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Project Stage I synopsis 2012-2013

          All BE Comps students are hereby informed, that their Mock presentations for project stage-I will be held during 10th October till 12th October 2012, depending on the availability of their guides and your preparation. Contact your respective guides to fix up timings for Mock asap.
          Final Project synopsis must be submitted latest by 19th October 2012. Formatting tips regarding the project reports will be displayed on Blog as well as on college notice board by Wednesday.

        Follow this Link for Synopsis preparation tips. There is no upper limit on size of synopsis but 15 - 25 pages can be considered as a tentative range.  

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hi guys. This is Prasad Deshmukh posting. Although we are done with all planned DSIP pracs for all batches, i would still like the respective batches to attend the pracs even while i am on iv, mark ur presence on paper to Pratik sir and practice the programs/finish prints & writing.
All submitted writeups are now checked and are with Rupali miss from lab4 and pratik sir from lab 7.
The last date of checking for all remaining experiments and assignments is 13th October 2011.

 **  Question bank will not be given for term test 2 DSIP. but topics included in term test 1 syllabus are excluded from term test 2 for DSIP.

 To compensate and cover the syllabus lag, some important topics will be covered in about 5-6 lectures after 13th Oct if the schedule allows.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Industrial Visit

Computer Dept. , KGCE is considering IV to Bangalore-Mysore-Ooty . The IV will go ahead as per below schedule only if train reservations are available in an acceptable number else we may consider an IV later on..
   The IV will be from 6th October (Night departure from Mumbai) to 11th October (evening arrival in mumbai). Cost: Rs. 5500/-

Fill the following form Only if you are sure you are coming.
Kindly note.You have to confirm your YES status by sept 23rd 10pm on this blog. preferably ASAP as we may not wait for 10pm so as to avoid losing reservations. You may fill the form to let us know about your interest even if you are not sure but you have to confirm on blog later tomm. to get yourself on board.
Fill the form with care so as to avoid mistakes in reservations. 
Saying "surely coming" would be considered as confirmed candidate and cancellation wont be entertained. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


DSIP assignments :

assignment 1:  (last date :  28 sept 2011)

1) Show that the energy of a real valued energy signal is equal to the sum of the energies of its even & odd components

2) IZT of z/(z-1)^4

3) DFT of image
 5 6 7 8
 1 2 3 4
 4 3 2 1
 8 7 6 5

4)using DIT-FFT get DFT of {1,2,3,4} and then use DIT-FFT for IDFT of the calculated DFT.

5) Gray Level Histogram of an image is given below. Perform histogram equalization and draw
        original and new equalized histogram.

6) explain various point processing operations. Give one eg. each of  3x3 spatial masks for HP,LP,HB.

   assignment 2: (last date : 12 oct 2011)

1) write a note on freq domain filtering & its filters.what is Homomorphic filtering?

2) Explain the  application of roberts, prewitts & sobel operators..

3) Explain Region based segmentation

4)What are Moments. Explain types.

5) Give matrices for Haar/Walsh/Hadamard transforms of 8x8 sizes.

6) explain DCT & jpeg.. comment on eficiency of RLE in various scenarios..

list of pracs:  (underlined ones remaining)

To generate unit step response & impulse response
To write a matlab program for linear convolution
To write a C++ program for DFT
To write a matlab program for Image negative & gray level slicing

To write a matlab program for Bit plane slicing
To write a matlab program for histogram equalization
To perform image smoothing (LPF) using matlab
To perform image sharpening (HPF) using matlab
To write a matlab program for edge detection
   To perform zooming operation using matlab

Friday, September 2, 2011

BE Marksheets

Hi guys.
Congratulations to all the BE 2011 batch.
This notification is regarding the availability of marksheets in college.
Also visit

Your sem 7 & 8 Marksheets can be collected from college from Mrs. Vaishali Borse (comp lab1) anytime-anyday but preferably an odd saturday.

 U may come for it urself or send someone else.  If sending a representative (relative or classmate) then a proper authority letter to the HOD is needed from your side. Parents would be considered. classmate may not be.

 U may also collect personal copies of ur project report - only ur own.proxy representative not allowed unless its a parent.

 Project reports have been scrutinized for irregularities.

 Foll r the imp things to note :
  The release of marksheet & project reports will be subject to satisfactory completion of below formalities. To ensure that u get ur marksheet & report u need to:
1) correct improper / incomplete project report & cd submissions. (2 cds were expected)
2) Clear the departmental library stuff posted at .  Also if u have not submitted the books u were supposed to then that due needs to be cleared.

U r also requested to provide us with a scanned copy / xerox copy of ur job offer letter(s) and further education plan details.

   Do spread this so that no one has to return home without marksheet..
  Hope to see u soon. :-)

--Prasad Deshmukh

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Call for Papers . HiPC student Symposium during the HiPC international conference

Papers for the HiPC Student Research Symposium are due in 15 days. The paper submission website is now open at:

Forward this opportunity to relevant students and faculty advisors in CS, IT, ECE, EEE and MCA departments


*** 4th HiPC Student Research Symposium (SRS) ***
Held in conjunction with the
December 19-22, 2011 | Bengaluru (Bangalore), INDIA |

The Student Research Symposium (SRS) at HiPC is organized to stimulate and
foster student engagement in high performance computing research, and to provide
an international forum to highlight student research accomplishments in HPC.
The symposium will also expose students to the latest research and best
practices in the HPC community from academia and industry.

HiPC SRS 2010 featured 17 papers and 9 posters, which were accepted from 38
submissions from five countries. Besides brief presentations and poster
exhibit by student authors, the one-day symposium this year will feature
invited talks by leading HPC researchers/practitioners. The HiPC conference
reception will provide an opportunity for students to interact with HPC
researchers and practitioners (and recruiters) from academia and industry.


We invite submission of extended research abstracts of 5 pages for the HiPC
SRS. All topics relevant to the HiPC conference are of interest to this
symposium. These include, but are not limited to:

* High-Performance Computing
* Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
* Parallel Languages and Programming Environments
* Load Balancing, Scheduling and Resource Management
* Resilient/Fault-Tolerant Algorithms and Systems
* Scientific/Engineering/Commercial Applications and Workloads
* Emerging Applications such as Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
* Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Cloud Computing
* Peer-to-peer Algorithms and Networks
* Heterogeneous Computing
* Interconnection Networks and Architectures
* Scalable Servers and Systems
* High Performance/Scalable Storage Systems
* Power-Efficient and Reconfigurable Architectures
* Compiler Technologies for High-Performance Computing
* Software Support and Advanced Micro-architecture Techniques
* Operating Systems for Scalable High-Performance Computing


Aug 15, 2011 > Submission Opens
Sep 16, 2011 > Submission Deadline
Oct 15, 2011 > Accept/Reject Decisions
Dec 19, 2011 > Symposium


The extended abstracts should be submitted in PDF format. The document should
be at most 5 letter size (8.5in x 11in) pages in 11 pt or 12 pt font, single
spaced, with at least one-inch margins on all sides. Please identify the names
of student authors in a footnote. If some part of your submission was published
by you previously, then you should cite your prior work and indicate how the
current submission differs from it.

Submissions will be handled electronically through EDAS at Detailed submission instructions are available at

The selected extended abstracts will be published online on the conference web
site and on a CD to be distributed at the conference. They will not be part of
the official HiPC conference proceedings.

Selection will be competitive and all submissions will be reviewed.
Manuscripts will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength,
significance, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the
conference attendees.

For additional details, please contact the Symposium Co-Chairs at
   (replace [AT] by @. its been done to avoid automated spamming)


The research work presented in the submission should primarily be the result of
student research. Accepted papers and posters should be presented by a student
author. The student author should have been a full-time student at some point
in 2011. Non-student co-authors are permitted.


Awards for Best Poster and Best Presentation, sponsored by the IEEE Technical
Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP) will be selected by a separate awards
committee. These are expected to include a cash component of Rs.10,000 each.

Limited scholarships in the form of travel grants to cover part or all of
travel, boarding and registration are available to authors of accepted
papers. Student authors of the top few submissions at the symposium will be
assured of a travel scholarship.

A book containing the resumes of the students participating in the symposium
will be compiled and made available to the sponsors of the HiPC 2011


YOGESH SIMMHAN, University of Southern California, USA
ASHOK SRINIVASAN, Florida State University, USA


MANISH PARASHAR, Rutgers University, USA


VIKTOR K. PRASANNA, University of Southern California, USA


IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP)
ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH) (PENDING)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Term Test Notice

All students shud note that term test schedule for tuesday, 30th Aug 2011 will stay as it is whereas the schedule missed on monday 29th Aug 2011 due to trains problem has been shifted as it is to friday 2nd sept 2011..
 No schedule change requests will be entertained.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


These are 3 notices in one. Go through all points/paras.

All BE Comp students whose name hasnt figured in the list of approved projects and also all members of the groups which are likely to undergo changes in its members list are expected to be present on thursday Aug 25 in college department for whole day. You all may be called in anytime for discussions.

All BE students who have filled the sem7 form should sign their form submission attendance with class incharge (prasad deshmukh) on or before 25th August without fail.

All KGCE TE & BE students may start following (use follow by email & sms alerts)   (BE especially) 

-- Prasad Deshmukh

DSIP Ques Bank for TT1

numerical on convolution

ZT properties & proofs.

IZT numerical

numerical on cascade(series)  & parallel arrangement of DT LTI systems.

Show that the energy of a real valued energy signal is equal to the sum of the energies of its even & odd components

Find the ZT of signal x(n)= cos ωn

Determine the system function & unit sample response of the system described by a difference equation

DFT properties

proof of x(n)=xe + xo

Monday, August 22, 2011

BE COMP PROJECTS 2011-12 (updated)

The newly updated list of  approvals is as given in the embedded spreadsheet.  Students should note the foll:
1) These approvals may be conditional & the conditions/additions will be communicated by guides after guide allotment is done in this week.
2) If ur group name doesnt appear in this list, it doesnot necessarily mean that ur project is rejected. Some have been held back for discussions with group members before approvals while only some have been rejected.
3) You will be called to the departments office by faculty on a working day to meet & discuss. So have patience & avoid calling faculty on phone for project approval related talk.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Some projects have been approved. Although they are approved, some more pointers may be given by the to be allotted guides.
 The remaining groups may either get their approvals/rejections soon or would be called for some queries/clarifications/details.  Some abstracts are yet to be scrutinized.
Guide & co-guide names for all groups will be declared next week.
The list of approved projects can be found in the embedded spreadsheet below. 

Sem VII Rev forms

All fresh (regular i.e. Non KT) students of BE sem VII (rev) should be present without fail as per the following schedule for filling exam forms for sem VII Dec 2011.
Date: 24th aug 2011
Time :11:50  am onwards duing lecture timings.
venue : Comp dept. CLR2
  Students taking provisional admission too are also supposed to submit their forms.
 Bring 1 photograph and attested xerox copies of all  mark sheets of lower semester.
  Form fess are as :          600+50+10 = 660 Rs  (Exam fee+Statement of Marks+form fee)



 IBM TGMC is a 8-9 months long nationwide projects competition supported by IBM & keystone.
The competition takes place in various stages & eliminations take place at every stage.
The projects need to be compulsorily developed using open source or IBM tools & technologies.
The software tools dvds r provided by IBM but no tool training is provided either by IBM or faculty of college. Mentoring only in the form of assistance & guidance is provided by college faculty.
IBM personnel will provide training in college campus at the condition that there are a minimum of 200 student participants from one college..

 Minimum 2 and Max 4 team members (all from one colg..        cross branch & cross year teams are allowd though)
 suitable for TE & BE but thats not a compulsion and even FE SE can participate.

The competition is open to all students & isnt confined to any professional society member students.
Interested students can go through the two links below. The various project scenarios teams need to choose from are given on the link in front of choose project scenarios textbox . visit
students can go through the scenarios & choose one of them to their liking.

  Important dates are listed on

 DONOT REGISTER DIRECTLY.Students should finalise team members(teams cant have common members) and one project scenario & one team member should provide all the details as required on the online registration form of  TGMC 2011 by email to with subject "TGMC Reg"  . Faculty mentor will be allotted and registration will be done by faculty.

It should be noted that this competition project will be an extra & approving these projects as course projects/mini projects or BE projects is  upto the incharge subject faculty and may not necessarily happen but students may propose their IBM TGMC project as a course  project . In such cases the subject faculty would be concerned about his/her deadline dates & not IBM dates.  IBM TGMC competition may allow multiple teams from one colg with same project scenario but the subject faculty may not.

you can also visit :

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Theory Lectures continued for 1 more week

We are continuing Theory lecture time-table for 1 more week the usual practical time table will commence from 16th August.

One more gentle reminder: Your Project pre-synopsis submission deadline is approaching on 12th August. You are welcome to submit it before actual deadline.

Anup Sir has tried to collect some info on RAI and kept it at this site: 
click me.

It may be helpful for you.

Happy Week end.

Also remember that college management has made it mandatory to have >75% theory as well as practical attendance. See the departmental notice board.

Please do the needful.


Departmental Library Notice

Saturday, July 23, 2011


  Msg from HOD comp. (S. M. Patil sir)  : students should join college as scheduled on 25th july and regularly from 25th. Take a look at the below time tables.
It should be noted that the defaulters list derivation process will include all days startin 25th july 2k11 and appropriate strict actions will be taken on the defaulters. . Hence this is a personal appeal from sir to be regular from begining. .

Time Table for first 2 weeks starting 25th july 2k11

Regular TIme table

Friday, June 24, 2011

sem 7 electives. Last date monday 27/6/11

Friday, June 17, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Not getting updates of this blog in your mailbox???

The follow option will report blogposts only to your blogger dashboard.
  To get notifications in your email box, choose the "follow by email" option instead and provide your email id in the box.. This is a one time activity and you can simply get notifications of every post delivered in your mailbox..

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Microsoft Dreamspark Yatra 2K11

Microsoft Dreamspark Yatra 2K11to be held in KGCE

Date- 28 March 2011 (Monday).
Timing- 10.00 am to 1.30 pm
Participant Limit- 250 
Venue-Seminar hall, KGCE, Karjat

Registration for first 250 on on first come, first serve basis. 
No registration fees.Open to all branches.

Since there are limited number of entries for the Microsoft Dreamspark
Yatra (250 participants)  please register here if you are attending.

Spot entries on Monday will be open but the people who are registered
online will be given first preference
in case of more than 250
participants.You do NOT need to get the printout of the tickets that
will be mailed to you.

Participant Benefits
1.Knowledge on latest technologies in IT industry.
2. Access to genuine Microsoft software through Dreamspark keys.
3.Participation Certificates.

Agenda for 28th March: DSY at Karjat:
10.15-10.30: Briefing on DSY and Microsoft Student Partner program
(MSP) Program
10.30-11.00: Silverlight Session
11.00-11.30: Cloud Computing Session
11.30-12.00: Windows Phone 7 Session
12.00-12.20: Lync Session
12.20-12.50: Kinect Session
12.50-1.15: Distribution of Certificates and DS Keys

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Final schedule for CDAC campus CET for BE COMP-IT

CDAC campus CET  
has been rescheduled for comp-IT to
23rd march 2011 starting 11am sharp. 
venue : department classrooms
Donot forget to get 2 color photographs along with you for the test. (passport size/i card size) 
stamp size wont be allowed.
Also you are expected to know your 10th, 12th /diploma and individual semester wise percentages.
syllabus and other things have been mentioned in the previous post. kindly ignore all the previously mentioned tentative test dates. 23rd is final one.
just read the syllabus on below link.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

CDAC Campus CET reminder

CDAC campus CET  date for comp-IT is 24th march 2011.
 The test may be online or offline... syllabus and other things have been mentioned in the previous post

Friday, March 4, 2011

OOSE assignments

Assignment no. 1     last date :  25th march 2011

1)Explain design patterns w.r.t. the concept, need, classification & types and description method.

2)Explain RUP & agile processes with an example.

3)Explain the different types of COCOMO models of estimation with example.

4)what are the different object oriented metrics?

5)Enlist and describe various types of coupling and cohesion.

6)Describe mapping OO models to OO databases.

7)Describe in detail how is mapping models to code done considering all types of associations and relations.

Assignment no. 2     last date :  7th April 2011 

1)explain how project scheduling and tracking is done

2)Explain s/w testing in detail..

3)explain risk management in detail.

4)explain different architectural styles in brief.

5)Explain SQA. What are McCalls quality factors?

6)Explain the SCM process in brief.

7) Write short notes on:
2)  Reverse engg v/s re-engg.
3)maintainance log and defect reports
4) types of maintainance

Friday, February 25, 2011

Question Bank for OOSE

Case study :

A leading travel agency has decided to develop application package to help its customer in planning tours. The agency provides services like tour , air, railway, luxury coach, hotel booking etc. Many a times customers donot have idea of availability of transport services to a particular destination. The agency also gives advice regarding economical planning of vacation. Given the tour constraints like number of days, affordable cost and places to visit, the software should present alternative tour plans.Alternatively the software may be just used for querying to know availability of transport services, hotels etc. Besides this main objective, this software should also have facilities for billing and accounting for the agency. You are apponted as a consultant to develop implementation strategy for automated tourist system.

1) UML diagrams for the above case study

2) General theory question on UML diagrams and their components.

3) Exlain the W5HH principle.

4) Explain the importance of 4Ps of project management.

5) Explain data flow diagrams.

6) Explain the SEI-CMM model.

7) Explain prototyping and spiral models of s/w devpt.

8) Give advantages and disadvantages of following SDLC models.
      i)waterfall model  ii) incremental model iii) RAD model

9) Differentiate between Static & Dynamic modeling in detail.

10) What is component diagram?  Explain the elements of component and deployment diagrams.

11) construct state and interaction diagrams for online Railway reservation system.

campus CET date

CDAC campus CET  date for comp-IT is 24th march 2011.
 The test may be online or offline... syllabus and other things have been mentioned in the previous post

For those appearing for GMAT, i came across : 
mock tests available for GMAT..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

DAC campus CET

Hi all. we have received some communiaction from CDAC regarding a entrance test. The entrance test for CDAC's  DAC course is conducted off campus with some fees and is mandatory for admission to the 6 month course.
They have offered to conduct the test on campus for free.
details are as below. Dates of the test will be announced by the college and respective departments soon. Since it is a full time course it should be noted that only BE passouts 2011 batch will be eligible.
There is no academic criteria for the test.

The Process for conducting Campus CET for August 2011 batch of Diploma in Advanced
Computing (DAC) course at various educational institutions that are part of Tech-Sangam
programme is as follows
MET College will conduct the Campus CET preferably online as per the schedule given below.
Date of test - Anytime before May 15, 2011 (date will be finalised soon and communicated to you all)
Final Result to students May 17, 2011
Last date of payment of 10% of course fee May 20, 2011 (To hold the campus CET score as valid for admission, the student has to pay 10% fees.. queries regarding refunds should be made directly to the CDAC representative when paying the token amount)
Commencement date of DAC course August 16, 2011

Campus CET will be conducted at our institute. Preferably online CET will be conducted.
Campus CET can be conducted at any date before the end date as per schedule
mentioned above.
Students appearing for campus CET through this drive are eligible to
take admission for DAC Course at MET College, Mumbai only and not any other CDAC centre and hence the rules regulations and placements etc will all be applicable as per MET college, Mumbai.
Students of can apply for Campus CET free of cost and admission choice will be voluntary.
Students will only get to know their eligibility to appear for Stage II & III process.
Stage II & Stage III will be conducted for these students as per the normal procedures after
the result declaration of the campus CET. In any case stage II & III shall not exceed after
May 15, 2011.
After confirmation of admission, students need to deposit 10% of course fee to secure the
seat at given centre on or before the last date given above.
Balance amount of course fee should be deposited on or before course commencement
All the payments should be done through demand draft only, drawn in favour of C-DAC
ACTS, and payable at Pune.
In any case students have the option open for appearing to the regular off campus CDAC CET , in order to enable themselves for the choice of centre at national level by paying the fees as per off campus CET rules.
scholarships are available for Campus CET students only.
The committee constituted by C-DAC shall select the eligible candidate for scholarship.
The students getting scholarship will also be awarded with a Certificate of Merit.

Syllabus for Common Entrance Test (CET)
Section I : Computing Fundamentals (10 marks)
Evolutions of computers, Computer generations, Computer organization, Primary and
Secondary storage, Input-output devices, Computer software, Operating systems, Data
communications and computer networking, Multimedia, Classification of computers, etc.
Section II : Fundamentals of Programming (15 marks)
Algorithms, Flowcharts, Computer languages, System implementation and operation, File
organizations and Data processing, etc.
Section III : Programming in C (50 marks)
Introductory concepts, C Fundamentals, Operators and Expressions, Data Input and Output,
Control statement, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Structures and Unions, Arrays, Stacks,
Queues and Linked Lists (Single, double, Circular), etc.
Section IV: Basic of OOPS and C++ programming (25 marks)
Understanding of the object oriented concepts, such as Classes
Generalizations, Polymorphism, Abstract Classes and Re-usability, etc.
Section V : General Aptitude (50 marks)
Questions shall be modeled on GMAT pattern
Recommended Textbooks
1. Foundations of Computing - PK Sinha and Preeti Sinha (BPB)
2. Programming in ANSI C - E Balaguruswamy (TMH)
3. The Object-Oriented Thought Process - Matt Weisfeld (Techmedia)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Registrations for the .Net course

Hi all. Register here if you are interested in attending the recently announced .Net course within our campus. Note that registration on this site will be treated as a confirmation.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Hi guys.  This blog is meant only for sharin departmental news on d web for comp dept..
not for T&P news.  for T&P news follow . Do check there is an imp update there.
 for any queries/suggestions mail to  for comp dept  related things and for COMP-IT T&P related placement things.


Hi guys. This is about the IBM project we have been talking about with TE comp people...
 Firstly dont confuse urself. The earlier post on this blog is about IBM quiz and this is about the project contest. two different things.
    Since we did not have ur domain/scenario choices, we couldnt register ur teams online and hence we have to do a offline registration- last date is monday 24th jan. All TE students should be present on monday 24th jan .  Some more details regarding the IBM project will be discussed.
visit the link  and download the zip file.  This file contains the various project scenarios given by IBM and most of them are mainly from the web inventory domain.Go thru all of them and make ur choices.
 You have to choose one of these as ur IBM projct choice or u can even have ur own idea but in that case u have to prepare a document of that idea (project scenario statement) in the exact same format as these documents in the zip file and that has to be ready on monday as its a basic requirement for registration.
     The projects are allowed to be developed in any open source programming language. eg. JAVA (.net is not allowed) and should make use of IBM tools only.The IBM tools will be provided by IBM to the college ASAP. 
   you are requested to have 2-3 choices in the preferential order so that choice clashes can be resolved on monday.
details regarding the project as a final yr project and the date of submission of project etc will be discussed in colg on monday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

IBM online quiz

Hurry. Have a look here. its the online quiz competition from IBM   : info on online quizzes (mock)         : sign up for account   : register for IBM TGMQ main event  : info on actual IBM quiz

update :
 visit all 4 links mentioned above, read those pages patiently and completely and the things would be clear.
just in case u dont get it,  IBM has partnered with for this contest.
The main contest is going to be held at various locations across india for engg. n MCA students. ur team has to go to pune (nearest quiz location) on 24th jan. and as a build up to the main quiz, the quizzing website is providing mock online quizzes which u can participate in from home too..


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