Msg from HOD comp. (S. M. Patil sir) : students should join college as scheduled on 25th july and regularly from 25th. Take a look at the below time tables.
It should be noted that the defaulters list derivation process will include all days startin 25th july 2k11 and appropriate strict actions will be taken on the defaulters. . Hence this is a personal appeal from sir to be regular from begining. .
Time Table for first 2 weeks starting 25th july 2k11
Regular TIme table
It should be noted that the defaulters list derivation process will include all days startin 25th july 2k11 and appropriate strict actions will be taken on the defaulters. . Hence this is a personal appeal from sir to be regular from begining. .
Time Table for first 2 weeks starting 25th july 2k11
Regular TIme table